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Originally Published by European Cleaning Journal

Shower blocks and exercise mats are the germiest areas of the gym, according to a new study carried out in Canada.

Investigative consumer program Marketplace looked at various elements of the gym including the elliptical equipment, barbells, dumbbells, exercise mats and yoga balls.

Researchers discovered that exercise mats harbored almost eight times the amount of bacteria as yoga balls and more than dumbells and barbells.

The mats tested were also found to have particularly high levels of staphylococcus. But the gym showers were of most concern since they harbored more than four times the amount of bacteria as the mat as well as elevated levels of yeast, mold and staph.

Speaking on behalf of Marketplace, microbiologist Jason Tetro said the warm environment and running water found in the showers helped to create the perfect environment for microbes to grow.

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