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Originally Published by House Beautiful

Of all the places in your house, you would think your shower should be one of the cleanest–after all, it’s where you get clean. But in fact, it might be one of the dirtiest. All those hot showers and steam (mixed with body oils, dirt, and soap scum) foster unwelcome microbial, mold, and biofilm formation. Oh, the irony.

There is a simple solution, though. “Clean your bathroom regularly” says Jean Prominski, certified professional organizer at Seattle Sparkle. “A good deep clean with disinfecting cleaner at least once a week should be adequate to keep mildew at bay and help prevent mold spores from replicating.”

While an icky bathroom is not likely to send you straight to the ER, neglecting it can trigger health issues like mold allergies and even a bacteria-caused lung infection. It’s not just the shower walls and a splattered sink that needs TLC. Some of the dirtiest things in the bathrooms are the ones with nooks and crannies or a surface that’s extremely hospitable for bacterial growth. According to a SafeHome.org survey of more than 500 people and a surface culture analysis, the toilet seat is not the most disgusting spot in your bathroom: Your shower curtain, shower floor, and toothbrush handle all contained 60 times more harmful and antibiotic-resistant germs.

And those aren’t the only areas of concern. “Mold can also grow in hidden areas like your electric toothbrush stand or toothbrush cup, toilet brush stand, under the soap dish, in the grout, behind the toilet, under cabinets, and anywhere else,” adds Prominski.

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infection prevention