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Originally Published by ABC News

In addition to the spread of the omicron COVID-19 variant, it’s also flu season, which serves as a timely reminder for how to keep healthy hygiene habits at home.

While flu rates were unusually low last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kids are back in school and many activities outside homes have resumed where people can pick up any virus.

To help keep the flu and other viruses at bay, check out these simple ways to germ-proof a home below:

Washing hands is a well-known hygiene habit and the tried and true soap and water method is far more effective than hand sanitizer, Patel said.

“There are some pathogens or nasty bugs that can only be killed with soap and water,” he said. When it comes to keeping the house clean, the American Cleaning Institute recommends washing bed sheets every two weeks, but more often if someone in the home has been sick.

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