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7 Infections You Can Catch at the Gym

7 Infections You Can Catch at the Gym

Originally Published by Health Different parts of a gym, like shared gym equipment and pools, are often breeding grounds for infections. However, simple actions can save you from common skin infections and other illnesses that easily spread while you sweat....
Tips to be Fit: Did You Know Your Gym Can Make You Sick?

Tips to be Fit: Did You Know Your Gym Can Make You Sick?

Originally Published by The Philadelphia Tribune It’s been discovered that each piece of gym equipment has more than 1 million germs per square inch. Gym equipment such as free weights, and treadmills were found to have 74 times more bacteria than a public bathroom...

How to Protect Yourself From COVID-19 at the Gym

Originally Published by CW39 News Avoid the locker room is one of several tips to avoid viruses. It’s that time of year where there is a rush to get to the gym to fulfill those New Years Resolutions to get fit in 2022. Normally this would be a great way to get into...

How to Use a Cloth Face Mask While Exercising

Originally Published by WIVB4 While it was a bumpy start, most individuals now seem to recognize the logic behind wearing a mask to protect others. Whether you’re in a situation where the air exchange isn’t ideal or you physically can’t be distant from others, it’s a...

Gyms Are Still Hot Spots for Spreading COVID-19

Originally Published By Popular Science The biggest no-no when it comes to COVID-19 spread is being in a crowded room with other people breathing heavily on each other. And if you are a gym-frequenter, you’ll know there’s a lot of heavy breathing done during a...